The Director (Hollywood Nights) Read online

Page 12

  “Do you have anything to eat?” Shay asked.

  He finally got out, “Probably not, but we can order in, or go out. It’s only ten.”

  Chapter 12

  Shay was a bit overwhelmed. He had said it. Under duress, but he said it nonetheless. He opted to run out and grab some food rather than remain in the awkward space between them. He didn’t even look in his kitchen; he pulled on his shirt and shoes and practically ran out of there. She waited about a half second after he closed the door to pull that album out and look at it. She was glad she was already on the floor because she may have fallen otherwise. So much about his family and their constant worry and walking on egg shells made sense now.

  She flipped through the rest of the photos and enjoyed the reflections that he kept of his life. Not one other photo of Dana was present. She knew there was a greater story behind it. Tonight was not the night to ask.

  She put the photo album back and looked around the loft he referred to as a house. He was very neat and organized. The furnishings were nice; the whole place looked like someone had spent time putting it together. Frankie would be proud of his obsessive compulsive organization skills. Shay wondered how easy it would be for him to adjust to her brand of organized chaos now that it would be in his house, not hers.

  She looked at the furniture and thought about adding color through the use of pillows and throws. His house was primarily neutral, natural, and masculine. The only room that looked lived in was the one she suspected was his office. It had a few pictures of his family on the wall. Nothing award driven, all casual, comfortable, real. She wasn’t sure if he had the art framed or if it came that way, but it was signed with a green hand stamped with paint that she was sure belonged to his nephew.

  She wandered back to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to discover fresh groceries inside. He must have had his housekeeper or a friend pick up some things. She pulled out a cheese stick and then headed to the cabinets to explore what was shelved where. He seemed to eat healthy, except for one cupboard that had all the good stuff.

  The kitchen was chef quality, all of the appliances and accessories were top of the line. She located two glasses and filled one with water. She was standing at the counter with the rest of the cheese stick sticking out of her mouth and the glass in her hand when he returned. He looked at her, still a bit unsure, and gave a tentative smile.

  “Sorry.” She removed the cheese stick. “I needed a snack.”

  “I wasn’t sure if Bailey had a chance to get my fridge stocked.” He brought the bags to the table and she poured another glass of water. He made himself busy getting the containers out and the food set up. Shay knew she had to be the one to deal with this. He would spend a week in awkward anticipation wondering if she was okay or not. A few things she had learned on the trip included his constant concern for her wellbeing and happiness.

  “Hey,” she said after setting the glasses and the remaining cheese on the table. She placed a hand on his back and he stopped fussing with the food. “Look at me.”

  His big blue eyes stormed with emotion as he fixed his gaze on her. She reached up and stroked his cheek and the regrowth of beard. Both hands cupped his face and pulled until he leaned forward and she kissed him. He had been eating cinnamon again. The spicy tingle on her tongue always added a little bit more to the kiss. For her part, it was filled with every ounce of energy she had to put into showing him she was okay. She understood why he had the picture. She didn’t have to compete with a dead girl. She knew he loved her.

  His arms wrapped around her and squeezed tighter than usual. She never felt safer than in his arms. She ended the kiss slowly, reluctantly, and he looked at her with complete adoration. She said, “The safest place I have ever been is right here.”

  “New York?” He quirked a brow.

  “No silly.” She smiled and then hugged him, her head on his chest. “Here, with you, your arms around me. I feel safe. I feel like I belong. you smoke?”

  Shay pushed back and looked up at him. He looked guilty as hell. “Since when?”

  He cleared his throat and said, “Off and on for years. I started again at the end of my last assignment. I’ve been trying to quit since I met you.”

  “You’ve been smoking this whole time?” She was still a bit shocked by the revelation. How could she spend so much time with him and not know this? It explained the cinnamon mints he ate constantly. She didn’t mind the taste of cinnamon in his mouth; in fact, she enjoyed that about kissing him.

  He shrugged, nodded.

  She wasn’t mad at him, just surprised. She imagined there would be more surprises to come now that they couldn’t retreat to different living spaces. “Well. If you want to quit, I’ll figure out some way to help. I know giving up a habit can be difficult. I gave up compulsive shopping…this year...mostly.”

  She took a seat and he followed her lead. She started eating and finally looked at him again. He was looking at her. His head propped on one hand, elbow on the table. He looked at her as though he didn’t think there was a comparison. She said, “What?”

  “I’ve been smoking a lot less since I met you. I’ve gone whole days without it. I wanted to quit before we got here, but…”

  “It’s okay,” she smiled. It really was okay. She didn’t like that he hid it from her, but if he was trying to quit she understood his embarrassment and struggle. “I uh, haven’t exactly curbed my addiction either. I…bought…things to bring with me.”

  “Things?” he asked and then started eating.

  “Items…clothing…” She cleared her throat, “Things I could only wear in front of you.”

  “And that’s a problem?” He really didn’t understand. Shopping wasn’t just shopping. One item was never enough.

  “Jed, I spent fifteen hundred dollars on lingerie and adult toys,” she admitted. It was as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. It shocked the hell out of him, but he seemed more interested in what she had bought than how much it cost.

  “You did pack it, right?”

  “Yes,” she groaned. “I did.”

  “Maybe you could start smoking and I could start buying you naughty things,” he grinned. “A compromise.”

  “No,” she said and shook her head. Just because his revelation came with a chemical addiction everyone was aware of, didn’t make hers any less. Shopping released endorphins, made her high, or calmed her down. Only later, it made her miserable because she always spent too much. “I need to learn control. I was doing well, but I got so excited about coming here. I wanted to have something special to commemorate this journey. Then I was getting anxious that nothing I found was good enough, and the next thing I knew…poof, the sane shopper was gone and compulsive shopper was back. I did take half of it back.”

  “So then the bill went down, not so bad.” He praised her.

  Shay laughed, “That was the total after I returned half of it.”

  She looked at him as his brow furrowed in thought before he asked, “For underwear? Panties, bras, that kind of stuff?”

  She nodded. “And a few other things too.”

  “Okay, so it is settled. I need to quit smoking, and you need to show me everything you bought and soon.”

  “Maybe tomorrow if you’re good. I need my luggage. Should we go get it?” She looked at the plate and thought that she might also need to know where the nearest gym was. Certainly eating with Jed was going to add a few pounds if she didn’t watch it.

  “It’s coming,” he said confidently. They spent the rest of dinner avoiding conversation about awkward things. He told her about some of the local places he was anxious to take her and a renewed sense of excitement about being in the city resumed.

  “I need a shower,” she sighed.

  “I’ll clean this up,” he said as he stood. “Go.”

  He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.


  She was in the shower when Mario brought up the luggage fr
om the vehicle. It stacked pretty high and symbolized the change bearing down on him. He could now understand his little brother’s trepidation. This step with Shay was at once natural and terrifying.

  Jed was so tempted to search for the bag with all of the naughty pieces he forced himself to leave the luggage alone and instead joined her in the shower.

  “Still adjusting to the time zone changes?” he asked. She had revealed a bit of a shopping compulsion. It made sense. She had more clothes and accessories than any one person could wear in two years. The SUV was packed. He had one duffle bag. Of course, he had shipped the rest of his stuff back to New York prior to traveling to California from his last assignment. He had convinced her to ship things too. They brought the essentials. Looking at the naked woman next to him he estimated that she was now pretty damn essential to him. The thought of traveling without her just didn’t sit right.

  “I think so,” she turned to face him. Her green eyes were soft, tired. It had been a long drive and then an emotional first evening. “I think I have an idea.”

  “Do tell.”

  “Well,” she said and slipped her hand down his chest. She had his undivided attention. “I was thinking that anytime you wanted to smoke, you should just tell me and I will do something that will take your mind off of it. I will provide a distraction.”

  “Like what?”

  She slipped her hand around the base of his erection and Jed knew he had never been so excited about quitting anything before in his life than he was about quitting smoking.

  “Like this,” she said and then moved to her knees as she consumed him.

  “That seems like a fair trade,” he said as he inhaled sharply. He let her remind him of how amazing her mouth was. How every time she touched him he craved more of her. Then he slid his hands down to her face and gently pulled her away from his dick. She frowned. “I don’t need a cigarette right now, I need you.”

  They were out of the shower and somewhat dried off when he lifted her up and carried her to his bed, their bed. He slid down her body to taste her, to press his fingers into her and watch her as she writhed at his command. He made her come twice, and then he crawled up her body and pushed deep into her warmth with one long, hard thrust. He was home.

  Chapter 13

  Maybe it was because they were both busy during the trip that she hadn’t noticed the lack of boundaries when it came to some things. Maybe it was because he wanted to fool around this morning, but she was too excited about getting out into the city. Either way, she wasn’t prepared when Jed opened the door and walked right in. She had just pulled her panties down and sat on the commode. He went to the vanity and began searching through the drawer for something. Her bladder was going to bust yet she could not pee with him standing there.


  “Mmm?” he grunted.

  “I need to pee,” she said and clenched her thighs together.

  “So pee,” he said and then followed it with an, “Ah ha! Found it.”

  “You have to leave before my bladder explodes inside of me,” she pleaded.

  He had the nerve to say to her, “That’s kinda gross, babe.”

  She watched him exit the bathroom, but he didn’t shut the door. She started to think back and realized that he never shut the bathroom door. She had arranged her time around his, made the most of rest stops, and breaks throughout the trip. Now, she was living with him. There was no way to avoid sharing the bathroom unless she only used the guest room or half bath in the hall.

  She wanted to let it rest, but couldn’t. They were walking down the street and he was telling her about their neighborhood. Once they had a break in conversation and had walked a few paces she asked, “Wouldn’t it bother you if I walked in while you were peeing?”

  “I’m a man. I have to stand in public places and piss in front of strangers all the time. Why would it bother me to do it in front of you?” he explained casually. Then surprised her with, “I’m sure Frankie has seen you in the bathroom.”

  Well hell, she couldn’t argue with that. “It’s different.”

  He grunted then changed the subject. “I love this bookstore.”


  “Frankie.” Shay realized how her voice sounded the moment Frankie responded.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Shay sighed. “I hate to bother you with this but I don’t know what to do.”

  “Do about what?”

  “You were living as an adult, single woman for years before moving in with Jonas, right?” She heard Frankie agree. “Well, how did you approach some…boundaries…in certain spaces…”

  Frankie began laughing so hard Shay almost regretted calling her in the first place.

  “It’s the bathroom isn’t it?” Frankie finally settled enough to speak.

  “Yes! How did you know?” Shay asked. Jed would be returning any minute now. He left earlier to meet his assistant, Bailey. Thanks to the three hour time difference she had to wait for a decent hour to call Frankie.

  “Oh, God. You have no idea! It’s all of them. They never shut the door. None of them. I guess it started when they were little. Their mom didn’t hire a nanny so she would leave the door open so she could hear them. Eventually it was just no big deal. She had three kids so she told them, it’s natural, everyone does it, and they shouldn’t be ashamed of their body. When they got older they had their own rooms and their own bathrooms. Jonas had never lived with anyone outside of his family before I moved in. Neither had Janice. I’m sure Jed is the same. I had to have a talk with Jonas. Buddy had to have the talk with Janice. They don’t always close the door, but they know if the door is closed not to open it. I’ve gotten used to it. It doesn’t bother me to pee anymore, but there are times when privacy is just not an option.”

  The door began to open. “Thanks, Frankie. I gotta go.”

  “Babe?” Jed called as he stepped inside. Behind him was a petite, adorable young woman with a white-blonde pixie haircut spiked almost into a Mohawk, wearing black khaki knee-length shorts, black high-heels, and a bright orange blouse. Shay forced her immediate jealous reaction to subside as she placed a smile on her face and tried not to worry that compared to Bailey; she looked like a fat cow. Jed at least pulled her up for a brief kiss and a hug. He kept his arm around her as he said, “This is Bailey.”

  “Hi,” Shay extended a hand. Bailey shook it. Her little fingers firm despite her size. “It is nice to meet you. I’m…”

  “Shay. I know. Likewise,” Bailey said as she let her hand go and studied her. Shay knew instantly the woman had been putting in her time waiting for Jed to snap out of it and reengage life. Unfortunately for Bailey, that wasn’t going to be with her. “So. We’ve met. Now what?”

  Shay could feel her eyebrow arch and tried to force it and the rest of her face back into a smooth, calm expression. Jed said, “Now, you two should maybe get to know each other. I need to get some work done. You have the rest of the afternoon.” He looked down at Shay and said, “Talk to the kid will ya? I’ll be in the office if you need me. Have fun.”

  As soon as he was out of sight Shay said, “Do you want to do this here or would you prefer the café on the corner?”

  Bailey looked around the place and said, “Here is fine. I mean, what is there to say? I work for him, not you. I’ve been here for five years. You’ve been here for five minutes. I’m not exactly sure what he wants me to do.”

  “Well.” Shay moved to sit on the couch and Bailey took a seat in the nearby chair. She made a mental note to call Alex Harvey later and thank him for the skills he had taught her. She wanted to strangle this little brat, but she wouldn’t. “What did he tell you he wanted you to do?’

  Bailey rolled her eyes towards the ceiling and said, “Get to know you. You are apparently the most important thing in his life now. I don’t know how that happened. I mean I’ve never heard of you before, and then he goes to California rather than coming home to New York.
The next thing I know his picture is all over the place and you’re right there next to him. He shaved. Do you have any idea how many times I have asked that man to shave?”

  Shay didn’t want to point out it wasn’t Bailey’s place to ask him to shave. Maybe she had started out like Frankie had with Jonas, an assistant with a crush. Maybe the fact that Jonas and Frankie made headlines as a couple had given Bailey hope. She didn’t know, and she didn’t care. She did know that if he didn’t care about this young woman he would have just fired her. He wanted Shay to sort through this. She was going to give it a try, but that meant cutting through the bullshit, “You have a thing for him.”

  Bailey appeared insulted by the diminished value of her feelings. “I have been working for him for five years. I pick up his dry-cleaning. I make sure his plants are watered when he is away for months at a time. I stock his kitchen when he comes home. I know what he eats, drinks, you name it. I run his errands. I basically do anything he asks me to do.”

  “But isn’t that your job?” Shay tried to ask it gently. Five years was a long time to be attached to someone without return of emotional connection. It made her wonder.

  “Yeah, but…” Bailey looked at her fingernails, at the small painting on the wall by the door. “I got that for him. It was for his birthday. I saw it and thought it would be perfect for him. He let me pic the place to hang it. I put there by the door so he could think of me every day when he left.”

  Shay looked at the painting. It was of an old ring with various keys on it. Shay knew two things about the painting instantly. First, Bailey had hoped he would think of her as the key to his new life. Second, Jed thought behind it was a good place to hide his extra keys since that is where he removed them from when he gave Shay a set.

  “It’s a nice painting.” Shay didn’t want to break the girl’s heart, but she would if she had to. “How old are you?”